

body as new. feel i can fly and dance this morning instead of scramble out of bed and don't know how to put on socks and underwear.
legs can move like Charly Chaplin: no obstructions. Flexible body like a child.
Shoulders backward. Have  to be aware remain like that. Now every day life coms to me. The difficulties , worries,  i want to treat all like easily to deal with. Now body is telling me more what to do than mind. Mind and ego is my enemy, body is best friend now. With my body I can live in peace now. Would like mind will join and life happily together. The body breathing every second in harmony.

On the first day of the workshop during the first exercise I want to leave because I do not want to this, anyways I think it is not needed to do the workshop.

It is the same with kundalini, I do not want to do it. I also do know I can open my left hip with kundalini and it allows my left leg to become healthy.
Anyways I did not leave and continued. In turning waist I feel that my right hip on the top is blocked, this part has been blocked a long time. Everytime in kundalini I feel this and give me pain, that I do not feel if I do not do kundalini.

On the first day we push deep into the upper part of the leg of each other. I shout very loud, the pain is very bad. But still I do not connect to this part and let the pain flow. I try to suppress the pain. After this Sandesh moves my head, and ka kas my neck. I am surprised about the kaka. After this in shaking at some point energy flows up and I want to cry. When we go home I feel not connected to the ground, it is as if I walk on clouds.

In the evening I go to bed early, because I do not know how to hold my head up as my neck hurts and I have a headache. I am worried the kaka of my neck will give a lot of trouble.
The 2nd day dancing in the morning feels free and I can move smoothly, this makes me happy. We jump on the toes. When I jump with three inside toes I can feel my hara bone is moving more back to front. My left ball of foot behind the toes hurts much when I stretch my foot up.

 When we walk I have some problem in my balance, something has changed. I need to keep my hara inside, but it feels different so I do not know if hara is inside or not.Later we push on each other’s leg again, I can find the place where it is blocked just by feeling.

 This time my shouting is deeper when Caro pushes harder the second time. It is connected to hara that moves with the shouting to the front. It feels as a good movement and the bone moves more freely.

Sandesh shakes my leg and turns to give a large kaka in my upper left hip. After this I can move my hip freely. In shaking I can feel more balance between right and left leg; I can feel the shaking in each leg.

 Also I can feel the feet are now connected with the front inside toe area and the heel to the ground. I don’t know if my hara is shaking well it feels different and I cannot really lift it to the position I normally do. But shaking goes well and energy flows up.
Some part between shoulders and at the bottom of my skull become warm. The sitting is natural and relaxed without tension in my legs or hips, I have thoughts that come and go and sometimes I just am sitting and feel my body. At the end I know my body is more free to move. My energy is flowing again and I have a lot. I can connect with others in Namaste without thinking just feeling. Namaste

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